An -- (Antonov) A plane made by the Russian company, Antonov -- ex. An-225 Cossack
Be -- (Beriev) A plane made by the Russian company, Beriev -- ex. Be-12 Tchiaka
IL -- (Ilyushin) A plane made by the Russian company, Ilyushin -- ex. IL-76 Candid
Ka -- (Kamov) An aircraft made by the Russian company, Kamov -- ex. KA-50 Hokum
Mi -- (Mil) An aircraft made by the Russian Helicopter company, Mil -- ex. Mi-26 Halo
MiG -- (Mikoyan-Gurevich) A plane made by the Russian company, Mikoyan-Gurevich -- ex. MiG-29 Fulcrum
Su/S -- (Sukhoi) A plane made by the Russian company, Sukhoi -- ex. Su-25 Frogfoot, S-37 Berkut
Tu -- (Tupolev) A plane made by the Russian company, Tupolev -- ex. Tu-95 Bear
A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -
AA - Amrée de l'Air (French air force)
AAA - Anti Aircraft Artillery
AAC - Army Air Corps (UK)
AAM - Air-to-Air Missile
ABM - (Anti Ballistic Missile) -- a missile capable of destroying hostile ballistic missiles or their payloads before they impact on their target.
ACC - Air Combat Command
ACM - Air Combat Maneuvering
ACMI - Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation
ACMR - Air Combat Maneuvering Range
ADF - Australian Defense Force
ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone
AEW - (Airborne Early Warning) -- An aircraft which serves as a radar manager, which manages and broadens the span of radar. The radar from AEW aircraft are sent to all aircraft in the area to give them a more detailed view of the field
AEW&C - (Airborne Early Warning and Control) An aircraft which serves as a radar manager and operations control, which manages and broadens the span of radar. The radar from AEW aircraft are sent to all aircraft in the area to give them a more detailed view of the field
AF - Air Force
AFB - Air Force Base
AFCS - Automated Flight Control System
AFMC - Air Force Materiel Command (USAF)
AFRES - Air Force REServe
AFV - Armored Fighting Vehicle
AGM - Air-to-Ground Missile
Aircraft - Any vehicle capable of atmospheric flight
Airplane - A vehicle with wings and a jet engine or propellers, that is heavier than air, and is able to fly
ALAT - Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre
ALBM - Air Launched Ballistic Missile
ALCM - Air Launched Cruise Missile
AMC - Air Mobility Command
AMP - Avionics Modernization Program
AMRAAM - (Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile) -- the Hughes AIM-120
ANG - Air National Guard
AoA - Angle of Attack
APC - Armored Personnel Carrier
APU - Auxiliary Power Unit
ARIA - Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft
ARM - (Anti-Radiation Missile) -- Missiles designed to intercept or seek out radar emitting stations
ARNG - ARmy National Guard
AShM - Anti-Ship Missile
ASM - Air-to-Surface Missile
ASMP - Air-Sol Moyenne Portée
ASPJ - Airborn Self Protection Jammer
ASRAAM - (Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile) -- An IR guided missile under development by BAe
AST - Air Staff Target
ASTOVL - Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
ASV - Anti-Surface Vessel
ASW - (Anti-Submarine Warfare) -- All measures designed to reduce or nullify the effectiveness of hostile submarines
ASuW - Anti-Surface Warfare
ATARS - Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System
ATBM - Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile
ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter
ATGM - Anti-Tank Guided Missile
ATM - Anti-Tank Missile
AUW - All Up Weight
AWACS - (Airborne Warning And Control System) -- An aircraft which serves as a radar manager and operations control, which manages and broadens the span of radar. The radar from AEW aircraft are sent to all aircraft in the area to give them a more detailed view of the field
BAe - British Aerospace
BERP - British Experimental Rotor Program
BVR - Beyond Visual Range
C2 - Command and Control
C3 - Command, Control and Communications
C³I - Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence
CAF - Canadian Armed Forces (now Canadian Forces)
CAP - Civil Air Patrol; Combat Air Patrol
CAS - Correct Air Speed; Close Air Support
CBU - Cluster Bomb Unit
CDU - Control Display Unit
CEA - Circular Error Average
CEP - (Circular Error Probable) -- a measure of the accuracy of missiles or bombs. The CEP is the radius of a circle in which half the shots are statistically likely to fall.
CF - Canadian Forces
CFE - Conventional Forces Europe
CFT - Conformal Fuel Tank
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States
CIWS - Close-In Weapon System (US)
COD - Carrier Onboard Delivery
COIN - COunter-INsurgency
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
CV - Attack aircraft carrier, conventionally powered (US)
CVN - Attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered (US)
CVW - Carrier Air Wing
CW - Continuous Wave
DA - (Dalnuaua Aviatsiya) -- Long Range Aviation, Russian AF command in charge of strategic bombers.
DACT - Dissimilar Air CombaT
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DEW - Distant Early Warning (US)
DFC - (Distinguished Flying Cross) -- air force decoration
DGPS - Differential GPS
DIANE - Digital, Integrated Attack and Navigation Equipment
DLIR - Down Looking Infra-Red
DoD - Department of Defense
DOSAAF - Dobrolvol'noe Obshchestvo Sodietstviya Armii, Aviatii Flotu (Russian voluntary society for the support of army, aviation and fleet)
DVI - Direct Voice Input
EAS - (Equivelant Air Speed) -- Calibrated airspeed corrected for compressibility errors. Compressibility is when the aircraft reaches faster speeds where air starts to pile up in front of the pitot tube. This is only relevant for aircraft moving at speeds of 200 knots or more
ECCM - (Electronic Counter CounterMeasures) -- a form of electronic warfare designed to overcome enemy use of ECM.
ECM - (Electronic CounterMeasures) -- A form of electronic warfare designed totally or partially to prevent effective use by the enemy of part of the electromagnetic spectrum
ECR - Electronic Combat Reconnaissance
EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrument System
Elint - (Electric Intelligence) -- Intelligence derived from enemy electronic transmissions other than telecommunications (ie. radar)
endurance - The length of time an aircraft's fuel load will permit it to remain airborn.
EO - Electro-Optical
ESM - Electronic Surveillance Measures
ESSS - External Stores Support System
EVS - Electro-optical Viewing System
EW - Electronic Warfare; Early Warning
EWO - Electronic Warfare Officer
FA - (Frontal Aviation) -- Russian AF command in charge of tactical fighters.
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration (US); Fleet Air Arm (UK, Australia); (Fuerza Aerea Argentina) -- Argentine AF
FAB - (Forca Aera Brasileria) -- Brazilian AF
FAC - Forward Air Control; (Fuerza Aerea de Chile) -- Chilean AF; (Fuerza Aerea Colombiana) -- Colombian AF
FAE - Fuel Air Explosives; (Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana) -- Ecuadorian AF
FBW - (Fly By Wire) -- Flight-Control system with electric signaling
FCS - Flight Control System
fire and forget missile - AAM or ASM with electronic signalling
FIS - Fighter Intercept Squadron
FLIR - Forward Looking Infra-Red
FMS - Foreign Military Sale (US)
FSD - Full-Scale Development
g - Force of Gravity
GAM - (GPS-Aided Munition) -- Mk 82 bombs with GPS guidance tail kit)
GCA - Ground-Controlled Approach
GCI - Ground-Controlled Interception
GE - General Electric
GPS - (Global Positioning System) -- A worldwide system by which the user can derive his position by receiving signals from navigation satellites
HARM - (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile) -- A high speed missile that seeks out radar stations
HDD - Head-Down Display
HDU - Hose-Drum Unit
HF - High Frequency (3-30 MHz)
HIRSS - Helicopter Infra-Red Suppression System
HMMWV - High-Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle
HOT - Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé tiré d'un Tube
HOTAS - Hands On Throttle And Stick
HOTCC - Hands On Throttle, Collective and Cyclic
hp - horsepower
hr - hour(s)
HUD - Head-Up Display
HUDWAC - Head-Up Display Weapon Aiming Computer
HUDWASS - Head-Up Display Weapon Aiming SubSystem
IADS - Integrated Air Defense System
IAS - (Indicated Air Speed) -- The airspeed that is read directly off the airspeed indicator. This airspeed does not take into account any corrections for altitude, temperature or compressibility
ICBM - (InterContinental Ballistic Missile) -- Land based missile with range in excess of 3000nm (5600km)
IDF/AF - Israeli Defense Force / Air Force
IFF - Identification, Friend or Foe
IFR - In-Flight Refueling
IGE - In Ground Effect
IIR - Imaging Infra-Red
ILS - Instrument Landing System
INS - Inertial Navigation System
INAS - Inertial Navigation and Attack System
INS - (Inertial Navigation System) -- A navigation system in which displacement from the point of departure is determined by measuring the acceleration exerted upon a gyroscopically stabilized platform by vehicle movement
IOC - Initial Operating Capability
IR - Infra-Red
IRS - Inertial Reference System
IRST - Infra-Red Search and Track
IRAN - Inspect and Repair As Necessary
IRBM - (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile) -- Land based missile with range of 1500nm (2780km) to 3000nm (5600km)
IRCM - Infra-Red CounterMeasure
IRST - Infra-Red Search and Track
ISA - International Standard Atmosphere
J-STARS - Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JASDF - Japan Air Self-Defense Force
JAST - Joint Advanced Strike Technology
JDAM - (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) -- INS and GPS guidance kits for conventional bombs. Mk 84 with JDAM is GBU-31
JGSDF - Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
JMSDF - Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
JPATS - Joint Primary Aircraft Trainer System
JSF - Joint Strike Fighter
JSOW - Joint Stand-Off Weapon
JTIDS - Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
KCAS - Calibrated airspeed in knots
kg - Kilogram(s)
KIAS - Knots Indicated AirSpeed
km - Kilometer(s)
km/h - Kilometers per hour
kN - (KiloNewton) -- 1 newton == 0.2248lb of force)
Knot - Aviation and maritime unit of velocity. 1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour
KT - KiloTon
kt(s) - Knot(s)
KTAS - True airspeed in knots
kW - KiloWatt
LABS - Low Altitude Bombing System
LAMPS - Light Airborn Multi-Purpose System
LANTIRN - Low Altitude Targeting Infra-Red for Night
LAPES - Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System
LASTE - Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement
lb(s) - Pounds for mass or thrust
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LERX - Leading-Edge Root eXtentions
LF - Low frequency (30-300 kHz)
LGB - Laser-Guided Bomb
LLLTV - Low-Light-Level TeleVision
LO - Low Observable
LOROP - LOng-Range Oblique Photography
LRMP - Long Range Matitime Patrol aircraft
LRMTS - Laser Rangefinder and Marked Target Seeker
LZ - Landing Zone
MAC - Military Airlift Command (Now AMC -- USAF)
Mach - Ratio of true airspeed to speed of sound in the surrounding air which varies with temperature. In normal conditions, the speed of sound (Mach 1) is 1223km/h (661kt) at sea level and 1063km/h (575kt) at 36,000ft
MAD - (Magnetic Anomaly Detection) -- ASW equipment designed to detect disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field.
MAP - Military Assistance Program (US)
MAW - Marine Air Wing (USMC)
MBT - Main Battle Tank
MCM - Mine CounterMeasures
MFD - Multi-Function Display
min(s) - Minute(s)
MIRLS - Miniaturized Infra-Red Landing System
MLU - Mid-Life Update
MMW - MilliMetric Wave
MoD - Ministry of Defense
MPA - Maritime Patrol Aircraft
MPLH - Multi-Purpose Light Helicopter
MR - Maritime Reconnaissance
MRBM - Medium Range Ballistic Missile (range of 600nm to 1500nm)
MSIP - Multi-Stage Improvement Program
MTOW - Maximum Take-Off Weight
NACA - National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (Later named NASA)
NACES - Naval Aircrew Common Ejection System
NAS - Naval Air Station
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Nautical mile - Measurement of distance. 1nm is one minute of the great circle of the earth.
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
nm - Nautical mile
NVG - Night Vision Goggles
OCU - Operational Conversion Unit
ODR - Overland Downlook Radar
OGE - Out of Ground Effect
OTH - Over The Horizon
OTHR - Over The Horizon Radar
OTHT - Over The Horizon Targeting
P&W - Pratt & Whitney engine designers
PACAF - Pacific Air Force (USAF)
Passive - Not itself emitting
Payload - Weapon and/or cargo capacity of an aircraft or missile
PGM - Precision-Guided Munitions
PID - Passive Identification Device
PLA - People's Liberation Army
PLSS - Precision Location Strike System
PNGDF - Papua New Guinea Defense Force
PNVS - Pilot's Night Vision System
PVO - Protivovosduzhnaya Oborona (Russian Air Defense)
R&D - Research & Development
RAAF - Royal Australian Air Force
RAAWS - Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System
RAF - Royal Air Force (UK)
RAM - (Radar Absorbent Material) -- Materials that absorb more radar waves then they emit, thus giving the aircraft a lesser radar signature
RAN - Royal Australian Navy
RANSAC - RANge Surveillance AirCraft
RAST - Recover, Assist, Secure, Traverse
RATO - Rocket Assisted TakeOff
RCS - (Radar Cross-Section) -- the radar cross section is a measurement of how large an aircraft, stealth or not, shows up on radar, Infra-Red, or other means of detection
RDT & E - Research, Development, Test & Evaluation
Recce - Reconnaissance
RHAWS - Radar Homing And Warning System
RMAF - Royal Malaysian Air Force
RN - Royal Navy (UK)
RNAY - Royal Naval Aircraft Yard
RNeAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force
RNZAF - Royal New Zealand Air Force
ROE - Rules Of Engagement
RoKAF - Republic of Korea Air Force (South Korea)
RPV - Remotely Piloted Vehicle
RR - Rolls-Royce
RSAF - Royal Saudi Air Force; Republic of Singapore Air Force
RWR - Radar Warning Receiver
SAAF - South African Air Force
SAC - Strategic Air Command (USAF, merged into ACC)
SAM - Surface-to-Air Missile
SAOEU - Strike/Attack Operational Evaluation Unit
SAR - Search And Rescue
SARH - Semi-Active Radar Homing
SEAD - Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
SEAL - SEa, Air, Land
SENSO - Sensor Operator
Sigint - Signals intelligence
SLAM - Stand-off Land Attack Missile
SLAR - Side Looking Airborn Radar
SLEP - Service Life Extension Program
Smart - Device possessing precision guidance.
Sonobuoy - A buoy fitted with equipment for detecting underwater noises and transmits them by radio
SRAM - (Short-Range Attack Missile) -- Cancelled nuclear missiles designed for the B-2 Spirit
SSM - Surface-to-Surface-Missile
STAR - Surface-To-Air Recovery
Stealth - Designed or constructed in such a way and using requisite technology and materials so as to be invisible to enemy radar. Stealth depends on many variables; heat signature, radar reflection, visibility of an aircraft, and sounds the aircraft emits. Stealth can be greatened by radar absorbent material, a technique called faceting, smooth curves, and many other ways
STO - Short Take-Off
STOL - Short Take-Off and Landing
STOVL - Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
TAC - Tactical Air Command (USAF, now merged into ACC)
TACAMO - TAke Charge And Move Out
TACAN - TACtical Air Navigation
TACCO - Tactical coordinator
TADS - Target Acquisition and Designation Sight
TANS - Tactical Air Navigation System
TAS - (True Air Speed) -- Calibrated airspeed corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure
TBO - Time Between Overhauls
TCS - Television Camera System
Teline - Telemetry intelligence
TFR - Terrain Following Radar
TIALD - Target Identification Airborn Laser Designation
TINS - Tactical Inertial Navigation System
TJS - Tactical Jamming System
TRAM - Target Recognition and Attack Multisensor
TOW - Tube-launched, Optically-sighted, Wire-guided
TSSAM - Tri Service Stand-off Attack Missile
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UHF - Ultra-High Frequency (300MHz to 3GHz)
UK - United Kingdom
UN - United Nations
USAF - United States Air Force
USAFE - United States Air Forces in Europe
USCG - United States Coast Guard
USMC - United States Marine Corps
USN - United States Navy
USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
V/STOL - Vertical or Short Take-Off and Landing
VertRep - Vertical Replenishment
VG - Variable Geometry
VHF - Very High Frequency (3 to 3000MHz)
VIP - Very Important Person
VLF - Very Low Frequency
VTA - (Voenno-Transportnaya Aviatsiya) -- Russian military transport command
VTAS - Voice, Throttle, And Stick
VTO - Vertical Take-Off
VVS - Voenno-Vozdushnye Sili (Russian Air Forces)
WSO - Weapons System Operator
Zero-Zero Seat - Ejection seat qualified for operation at zero height and zero airspeed. Pilots can safely eject from a parked aircraft
Last Updated August 17, 2003